planting seeds

During these uncertain times of COVID-19 and Shelter in Place, I want to share this post from June of 2013 which deals with problems and emotions getting the best of us. I hope it encourages you and helps you find better, more faith-filled ways to cope with strong emotions. “Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.” (Hosea 10:12) Planting Season The time of year has begun when gardens are planted and the earth springs forth with new life. EachRead More →

A Bible Study Have there been times in your life when God asked you to take on an assignment you were afraid to tackle? You know God is calling you to it, but you quake with fear at the thought of this new territory with which you have no experience. You long to move forward in faith, but you freeze in fear. Joshua must have felt that way when God called him to step into the shoes of Moses and lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. Joshua relied on Moses and his instructions during their journey from Egypt. Joshua trusted the prayers of MosesRead More →

When I came to know Jesus as my personal savior 33 years ago, He filled my heart with a love for His word. That love has held strong over the decades and I long to see a revival of that love spark a fire throughout our churches today. For the new believer, getting to know God’s word (and getting to know God through His word) may seem like a daunting task. Bookstores and websites are jammed packed with Bible resources, study guides, books about biblical principles and personal testimonies, not to mention the wide range of Bible versions available. So where do you begin? HowRead More →

Written for the creative heart, Designed to Pray is an interactive, 8-week devotional on creative ways to engage with God. Kelly Stanley’s casual and fascinating style opens her reader’s eyes to new ways of connecting with God through prayer. This book would appeal to the right-brained, artsy reader, but would greatly benefit anyone desiring to pray more and pray more effectively. Each week offers a situation that may arise as we begin to pray, whether it’s fear, or a desire for increased faith, or how to intercede for others. Then, each day of that week Kelly shares ways to overcome or prevail in the situation.Read More →

Jesus said, “Except a grain of wheat fall to the ground and die, it abides alone. But if it dies, it brings forth much fruit.” Have you ever struggled in a dark place? Maybe you’re struggling right now in a dark place. You don’t see how in the world life can get any worse. Maybe you question why you have to face such hardships. Seeds germinate in dark places, don’t they? Mighty oaks are born out of dark places. They spring forth in adverse circumstances. We are like those mighty oaks. Jesus wants to cultivate us and grow us into the purpose He’s planted inRead More →