The Negative Voice of Procrastination: My Number One Dream-Killer

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5)

I think the number one killer of dreams is procrastination. I must admit, I am a sufferer of this dreaded form of negativism. How about you? Do you struggle with procrastination?procrastiniation 3

I believe we delight the Devil when we fall for his old line, “Just do it later.” 

One of our key verses in the Goals study this week is found in 2 Corinthians 10:5. This verse tells us to tear down those ideas, reasonings, thoughts and arguments that stand at odds with the knowledge of God. All of those wayward, negative thoughts that draw us away from what God has put in us are to be brought under the control of and obedience to Christ.If he can cause us to keep putting off what God has asked us to do he can keep us from a fulfilling life of faith. Lives made up of I’ll-do-it-laters have the potential of being over before we realize we’ve been hoodwinked by the Master Deceiver.

time“Just do it later” is contrary to God’s word which tells us to “make the most of every opportunity…” (Eph. 5:16). That means I need to take advantage of the time I have been given and to pursue on purpose the dream God has placed within me. When I give in to the negative voice of procrastination I am robbing myself of a sense of accomplishment as I work toward my goals and I am robbing God of the glory He receives through my obedience.

I’ve learned that taking time to put my dreams into well-defined, short and long-term goals helps me to battle the lie of procrastination. As I lay out the steps I need to follow, I see God working in the journey, not just in the destiny. He designs our times of failure to help us understand our failures are not final unless we fail to turn to Him. What we learn through failure can never be taught in success. He uses every step of the journey to mold and make us into the image of His Son.

I have found I am much more successful when I quiet those negative words and pursue with passion and on purpose the goal set before me.procrastination 1

It’s those small tasks tackled over short stretches of time that move us toward our dreams. So Dear Sisters, don’t listen to the negative voice of “Just do it later.” But, by faith, plan out and tackle the tasks today that lead to your dreams tomorrow.


  1. Oh Carla! This is my #1 enemy, my downfall and what keeps me depressed at times! And yes my Christmas décor has been coming down for the past 14 days, lol!! Thank God for a loving husband that doesn’t mind a “Little” mess, but I feel so much lighter when it is not….
    Thanks so much for sharing ~ Cindy (OBS Small Group Leader)

  2. This is so helpful, Carla! Every word of it! I so agree that procrastination is “the number one killer of dreams.” I struggle in this area daily. My Christmas decor is still surrounding me while I type this. Thank you for this inspiration :)!

  3. Great stuff, Carla! Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂
    Much love, Jennifer

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