Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

If we look around and we can find a thousand reasons to give thanks. But, throughout the year worry and stress consume the hearts of many. It seems the holidays tend to increase the tension.

I believe one reason this rise in pressure occurs is because we create expectations of what our holidays should be like, and when the realities of our human experience settle in, disappointments and questions fill our hearts and minds leaving us anxious and frustrated.

“Why can’t mom just be happy we stopped by?”
“Why do we have to invite Uncle Bobby? You know he’ll say something
Every year you drink too much and cause a scene. Why can’t we be like other families and have one pleasant day?”
“How can I be thankful for this?”

My Remedy

During the month of November, I set a place for Jesus at our dining room table. It’s not that I forget He’s present with us all the time, but it serves as a reminder to be thankful for and continually aware of Who He is.

In the Jewish tradition, each family sets a place for the coming of Elijah during the Passover meal. Like the Israelites, I set a place during the Thanksgiving season in anticipation of the return of Jesus. In this small gesture I am expressing my gratitude for that future day. Jesus said that He would return and gather His universal church together to abide with Him in Heaven where He is preparing a place for us.

Our Hope

Soon, we will join Him around a table He has prepared for us. All who know Him in salvation will break bread together and bask in the beauty of His manifest presence. The hardships, angry words, and stressful holidays of our now reality will be over. Then, we will understand why mom needed just a little more time, why Uncle Bobby acted rude, and why our loved one drank too much.

Express Thanks

But until then, my Jesus asks us to be thankful for (Ephesians 5:20), and in (1 Thessalonians 5:18) all things. He is here with us no matter what happens around us. As our hearts are filled with faith, we can rejoice in that reality whenever it seems the world is weighing heavy upon us.

My Prayer

I want to leave you with this blessing: Today and every day, may you give thanks for all that is around you, and praise the Lord who continually surrounds you with all His grace and mercy.

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