“Give me children or I’ll die!”

That’s what Rachel said to her husband, Jacob. But Jacob had no control over the barrenness of her womb, that was God’s call. So Jacob was torn between two wives: Rachel and her sister, Leah. These two women battled for years, both vying for her husband’s attention in hopes of winning his love (Genesis 29-30).

Rachel’s heart broke every time Leah birthed a son, 1 – 2 – 3 -4, until she arranges her handmaiden to have Jacob’s sons for her, 5 – 6. How crazy is that? I don’t know about you, but for me one sister-wife is one too many without bringing handmaidens into the mix. So what does Leah do when she see’s Rachel’s handmaiden having children for Jacob? The same thing. Leah gives her handmaiden to Jacob, 7 – 8. And so the madness continued until there were 12 sons in all. These two women were jealous. They were driven women determined to one up the other. They were doing what I call “the mad dance.” Each one wanted control.

Have you ever found yourself being pushed and pulled in a mad dance? She has one; I want one. I have one; she wants one. Jesus exhorts us not to get caught up in keeping up with the Joneses. It produces worry instead of faith (Mat. 6). It also produces a deep sense of discontent.

Let.It.Go. Session 5: When Comparisons Led to Over-Control 

Scripture Memory Verse: “For I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am. (Philippians 4:11 AMP)

Weekly Assignment Part 1: Read Chapter 10, then comparison

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