Beginning in One Week: Let.It.Go. Online Bible Study

Let.It.Go. Online Bible Study

We are one week away from our study! I encourage each of you who have registered to begin to pray that God would speak to you through this study. I don’t know about you, but I want to have the right heart attitude going in so that I can hear clearly what He would ask of me. Don’t forget, this study deals with control issues (not that I have any, LOL). So it is important for me, and I trust for you as well, that we enter into this study with a humble heart.

My desire is to be changed into His image and to bear that image to others who do not know Him. So every study I begin, I begin with the posture that there is something profound God desires to accomplish in me. I pray that’s your posture, too.

Below I have laid out some ground rules for Online Bible Study (OBS).


1. The go-to site for information and assignments during our study is

2. Beginning January 7th, and each Monday during the study, I will post suggested assignments for that week. You may subscribe to my blog to receive posting information via e-mail. It’s easy, just subscribe at in the right-hand column under the word SUBSCRIBE. If you choose not subscribe (and why not? it’s easy!) just give yourself a reminder to check my site during the week for your assignments.

3. My blog will contain useful information and interaction during the week. Along with assignments there will be memory verse suggestions, discussion questions, and opportunities for each of you to interact. I want to encourage you to participation with one another through my blog.

4. I hope you have purchased your book, Let.It.Go. by Karen Ehman. She also has the Let.It.Go. Participants Study Guide. You will need, at least, her book, Let.It.Go. to participate in this Online Bible Study. You may order the book through Karen’s website, or through (I think there is an E-Book, too, if you have a Kindle or other E-Reader). You will also need a Bible.

5. As your OBS Leader, I want to encourage you to keep up with our schedule. This study will run for 6 weeks, averaging 2 chapters of reading each week. Set aside your study time and stick with it. You make your own schedule during the week for completing your assignments. Since you took the steps to sign up I think you have intentions to complete it. I believe in you, you can do it!

6. Even though it is online you are not alone in this. I encourage you to go to my blog and comment, exchange ideas, pray for one another, and encourage one another through your posts. You are a valuable part of this study and your input matters.

7. I have set up Online Bible Study Archives. If you miss a posting just go to the right column of my blog page and you will see “Categories.” Click “Let.It.Go.” and you will be able to find the posts for this study.

Also it’s not too late to register. If you have friends who are interested, be sure and have them sign up at ASAP!

I appreciate your feedback!

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