New life has sprung forth. Jesus is alive, and He brings the hope of new life to us. When Mary and the others headed towards the tomb where they laid the body of Jesus, they had no idea the great message they would bring to all who would hear, Jesus is alive! He has risen as He said. Jesus was not just a prophet although He prophesied. Jesus was not just a teacher although He taught many great lessons. Jesus was God who came in the flesh to redeem us from our sins. The grave could not keep him. He said, “I have the powerRead More →

As Mary stood at the foot of the cross watching her son beaten, battered, and dying, I wonder if she thought, This is a good day. In her wise way, I am sure she reflected on what was taking place and in her mother’s heart, tried to process how all of this could fit into the proclamation that the angel made over her when her son was conceived in her womb. “Blessed art thou among women! And blessed is the fruit of thy womb …For he shall save his people from their sin.” For Mary and all her son’s disciples, Good Friday could not haveRead More →